- To make the learning journey more exciting and memorable, Environment Corner features a couple of technologies for users to experience while gaining new knowledge about the environment. The programs and modules available were specifically made focusing on the river and ways to take care of it.
- River Virtual Reality (VR) for is an interactive and immersive learning experience that give students the chance to experience virtually and engage in active learning environment. There are 5 modules that enables user to learn about the Hydrological Cycle, River Anatomy, Pollution Sources, River Beautification, and Waste Segregation.
- Augmented Reality (AR) via River AR Powered Book allows Gen Z students to engage in active learning environment. In the effort of giving information and raising awareness to students on the importance of river, the River AR Powered Book will surely be a tool in helping users to understand better.
- 360° Video enable students to experience the view from every direction simultaneously, giving a truly immersive, virtual experience. It can be viewed through a headset, cardboard or interactively on a computer, with the viewer using their mouse to follow the action on screen.
- Gamification adds the elements of fun to learning, thus students attention will improve and their knowledge will be retained longer. It is proven that learning through experience has life long benefits, hence gamification aims to bring in as close as to real life experience in virtual environment. Trash It Right game allow students to gain a better understanding on waste and recycling items by providing them a fun and interactive platform to practice on how to recycle items properly.

Environment Corner Application
Reference center and equipped with latest Technologies
Technical Club
Promote creativity and increase technical know-how
Open Day
Introduction session for students to explore about IR 4.0 technologies
Showcase to attract and to encourage students in learning the environment
Promoting the importance of environment
Participate in environment related event such as World Water Day
Why IR 4.0 Corner
- Library is a reference center which should be equipped with new IR4.0 technologies which act as a driver of innovation.
- Attraction points for students to access and explore new IR4.0 technologies.
- Interactive contents (AR, VR & MR) are vital to prepare students to meet current industries needs and future labour market.
- Empower students with attitude, knowledge and skills for sustainable development.
- Blending teaching method which requires minimum 30 minutes weekly commitment.
- AR Powered Book as reference book for environmental subject.
- Participation in Annual Environmental Conference.
- Train the Trainers (TOT) Program to upskill instructors technical knowledge and skills in new technologies.