River Online Camp

In striving the best to raise awareness about the importance of our rivers, TERAS conducts river awareness program that is specially designed to cater students from the age of 8 to 12 years old. River Online Camp is all about teaching and sharing to students on the importance of our rivers and what we can do to save the environment.

There are three series of the camp tackling from the basic of understanding about rivers to river rehabilitation:


  • River Online Camp 1.0 : River 101
  • River Online Camp 2.0 : Journey of a river
  • River Online Camp 3.0 : The River is My Friend



Parent Testimonials

Ungku Khairulbariah

“ A good move on exposing about the environment and its issues to the kids. Would definitely be a great thing if it can be done physically. Anyways, good job! “

Ungku Khairulbariah

Mother of Sakinah and Ilyas
Mohd Rizal

“ It’s a good program which provides info about the environment by focusing on the children. Great initiative of doing it online. Hope it can be done via face to face in the near future. “

Mohd Rizal

Father of Khadijah and Arafah
Ahmad Dzuhri Jaafar

“ My kids enjoy River Online Camp very much, I will definitely enroll to the next camp. As a person who directly involved in water business and Friends of Rivers Malaysia NGO, I found that their programs are relevant to the needs of communities. “

Ahmad Dzuhri Jaafar

Air Berhad

Participant Testimonials

It is great because it taught me about not to throw waste in the rivers and ways to take care of the river. I enjoyed the session a lot.

Wan Nur Sakinah

River Online Camp 1.0 Participant

I learned about the process of water cycle and it is fun because of the slides and the experiment.

Wan Ahmad Ilyas

River Online Camp 1.0 Participant

Something new for me and I enjoyed it. || I had fun and learned a lot about the process of water cycle.

Siti Khadijah & Nur Arafah

River Online Camp 1.0 Participant

I enjoy my time learning about hydrological cycle and waste segregation. The presentation was perfect.


River Online Camp 1.0 Participant